Humanity can no longer passively observe the actions leading to destruction of the Earth’s environment. Blogger and publicist Yelena Likhach wrote about this on the Medium website in her column “Horrors of Global Climate Change: How to Force World Governments to Resist Catastrophe”.
Today, very young people have become symbols of the struggle for the environmental security of the planet. No matter how the public may feel about Greta Tumberg, it was the Swedish schoolgirl’s speeches at major international forums in 2018-2019 that made the press pay attention to the global problem of climate change.
“I very much hope that one day childish immediacy and belief in miracles will overcome adult cynicism and relentless thirst for profit. In any case, the activities of young environmental activists to protect the future of our planet cannot but cause admiration,” said Yelena Likhach.
The other day, American actress Lucy Lew posted on Instagram a thank-you post from the representative of the youth wing of UNICEF USA Ariana Waida. According to Ariana, Lucy Lew used her platform on #WordChildrensDay to promote youth green projects.
“The sooner a new generation of politicians, civic activists, and simply caring members of society are imbued with the right ideology, the better humanity’s chances of survival will be. That is why in different years I have donated more than half a million euros to UNICEF’s youth projects, in particular the organization’s Italian office,” says Yelena Likhach.
Ariana Waida also mentioned the COP27 climate summit, for which many had certain hopes. After all, in 2022, the world experienced a huge number of natural disasters, from Morocco’s longest drought in 40 years to the heaviest rains that devastated a third of Pakistan’s territory.
Let us remind you that the 27th Conference of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change began on November 6 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. It was expected that the event would end on November 18. But the summit was dragged on. Owing to the lack of consensus, it was not possible to sign the outcome document until 4 a.m. on 20 November.
The summit confirmed the goal of preventing atmospheric warming above 1.5°C to pre-industrial levels. But no further steps in this direction were confirmed. Yelena Likhach stressed that the representatives of Egypt, who chaired the summit, were accused of acting against the interests of Africa’s most vulnerable countries in the climate crisis. Instead, they greatly favoured Saudi Arabia, other oil-producing Gulf countries, and China.
The blogger fears that the COP28 summit, which will also be held on the Persian Gulf in 2023 in Dubai (November 20 to December 12), will again fail to make any important decisions. Therefore, for the time remaining before the next conference, it is necessary to compel all countries to make real commitments to reduce CO2 emissions and phase out fossil fuels.
“I call on all caring people to put pressure on their own governments through UNICEF regional offices in their countries. It would be useful to throw letters to the UN so that the COP28 outcome document contains the required items. The letter form is here. Sometimes even the most desperate action is better than distant contemplation of the slow death of our planet,» sums up Yelena Likhach.