Well, I have to say that the planet is in peril. The time has come when we cannot ignore the problems that environmentalists have been talking about for so long. Our planet is facing the threats of climate change, and the effects are already evident. Climate disasters are growing at an unexpected rate, and even scientists admit that the predictions of the Apocalypse are becoming reality. Today, all over the world, we are witnessing a phenomenon that is already known as «July of Hell».

Extreme heat has swept across every continent, from the poorest to the richest countries. No economic indicator can save us from the terrible consequences of climate change.

When the Sun Becomes the Enemy

A forest fire that ravaged the Greek island of Rhodes forced thousands of residents to flee their homes. The Greeks of Rhodes were forced to say goodbye to their homeland and abandon their homes and hard-earned property.

On the other side of the globe, Florida, the heat has caused the ocean to become extremely hot. In the Florida Keys archipelago, surface temperatures have risen to +38.43 °C. It is not known if this is already a global record, but it is likely that it is already very close. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the normal water temperature in this area should be between +23 and +31 Celsius. As a result, coral reefs are facing extinction.

Coral reefs play a key role in the ecosystem, providing a place for tourism, fishing and shoreline protection. They bring the global economy between $29.8 billion and $375 billion annually. Reefs also act as a natural barrier, protecting shores from devastating sea waves and preventing erosion. Attention must be drawn to the fact that damage to natural resources also causes enormous losses to large industrial companies, including oil and gas businesses. Even for those who neglect environmental protection, it is worth thinking about material losses.

Also in July 2023, solar flares led to the hospitalization of several people worldwide. The sun’s rays often leave burns on the skin, and in some cases can lead to severe complications, including cardiac arrest.

Agriculture is also suffering from the heat wave. Corn and soybeans in the United States, cattle in Mexico, olives in southern Europe, and cotton in China have suffered severe losses, threatening global food security.

Decisive action is needed to protect the planet and mitigate the effects of climate change. To avoid further serious consequences, we must now take proactive measures and respect the environment.


Naturally, such a number of days with extreme heat in July is clearly linked to climate change, as scientists confirm. One of them, Isidine Pinto of the Royal Meteorological Institute of the Netherlands, says: “Temperatures in Europe and North America would be virtually impossible without the effects of climate change.” Although, actually, it is nothing new to me, but I will take the liberty of referring to the authority of the scientist and his institution.

Research by a team of climatologists has shown that rising concentrations of greenhouse gases have caused heat waves in Europe to increase by 2.5 degrees Celsius. This led to a two-degree rise in North America and a one-degree rise in China.

What awaits us in the future? Nothing good. Scientists warn that heat waves will become even more likely if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced. According to their forecasts, if the global average temperature rises 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, prolonged periods of extreme heat will occur every 2-5 years. Already, the average temperature on Earth has risen by more than 1.1 degrees. Friederike Otto, a scientist at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, warns: «As long as we continue to burn fossil fuels, we will face increasingly severe consequences.»

I believe every word of climate scientists. And not because they ‘squeeze’ with their authority – their judgments are indeed compelling and disturbing.


Tick-tock, tick-tock, time is relentlessly accelerating and there is no longer time to act slowly to save the planet. Therefore, I call on all governments to act decisively. It is clear that electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular around the world. Last year, 10.2 million electric vehicles were sold, 100 times more than in 2012. Of these, 5.9 million were sold in China, 2.6 million in Europe, almost 1 million in the United States, 131,000 in South Korea, and 100,000 in Japan. These are impressive numbers, and the success of these countries should be applauded.

But what will happen this year? The UK, Switzerland, and Australia have begun taxing electric vehicles. China has already ended subsidies for electric vehicles in early 2023. In addition, the global market is beginning to push the world toward internal combustion engines due to the rising cost of raw materials such as nickel and lithium. This is alarming and should be stopped immediately!

First of all, we need to impose higher taxes on the use of fossil fuels and let doubters make the right decisions. We also should create conditions favorable to green energy so that businesses can find profits in this area.

Governments should not be afraid to take tough measures! Think back to 1987, when the UN persuaded or even forced all the countries of the world to ratify the Montreal Protocol to stop the depletion of the ozone layer. This resulted in a significant reduction in the production of chlorofluorocarbons and hydrofluorocarbons used in aerosols.

And what do we see now? Balloon deodorant is as effective as aerosol deodorant, and it is predicted that the ozone layer will recover completely by 2066, helping to prevent global warming by 0.3–0.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. This proves that right actions lead to positive results!

Besides, don’t ever stop supporting environmental initiatives! It is a noble cause that requires considerable resources. I recently donated 100,000 euros to the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation for Biodiversity, Ocean and Forest Protection, as well as 1.1 million euros to the Prince Albert II Foundation for Environmental Protection. In such situations, you should not be stingy if you have the ability to help.

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